

B2C Solutions

The​​ secret​​ of​​ your​ ​success​ ​lies​ ​in​ ​being​​ prepared​​ and​ ​agile​ ​for​​ the​​ future.​ ​Magenta​ ​& Intershop​ ​platforms​​ will ​​help​​ you​ ​to​ ​over come​​all ​​your​ ​problems​ ​to​ ​manage​ ​your customer​​ expectations​​ in​​ a​ ​highly​ ​competitive​ ​environment,​​ keep​​ pace​​ with​​ changing technology​​ and​ ​create​​ an​ ​uninterrupted​​ shopping​​ experience​​ to​​ increase​​ your​​ return investment​​ and​​ conversions.


B2B Solutions

Easily​ ​manage​​ your​​ offers​​ and​​ agreements​​ for​​ your​​ customers,​ ​streamline​​ your logistics​​ processes​​ and​​ stand​ ​beside​​ your​​customers​​ through​​ all​​ devices​​ even​​ in​​ the most​​ demanding​ ​conditions​ ​for​​ them.​​ Magento​​ and​​ Intershop​ ​platforms​​ can​​ easily
integrate​​ via​​ customization​ ​to​​ your​​ B2B​​ business​​ processes​​ with​​ minimum​​ effort​​ and cost. ​​It​​ also​​ offers​​ all​​ the​​ features​​ you​​ need​​ for​​ your​​ global​​ expansion​​ with​ ​localization capabilities.


Mobile Commerce

If you think investing in your Mobile eCommerce site is irrevelant and if you run all your marketing activities for desktop devices, we can easily change your mind. 70% of internet traffic in the world is now passing through mobile devices. With Magento & Intershop platforms, it's now easier than ever to increase your revenues with an optimized, responsive or adaptive mobile site for the user experience.


Omnichannel commerce

Customers​​ who​​ purchase​​ from​​ multi​​channels​​ have​ ​a​​ 30%​​ higher​ ​lifetime​​ value.​​ With the​​ uninterrupted​​ channel-to-customer​​experience​​ provided​​ by​​ Magento​​ &​​ Intershop platforms,​​ you​​ will​​ have​​ everything​​ you​​ need​ ​to​​ increase​​ your​​ revenues​​ through​​ your eCommerce​​ site,​​ mobile​​ devices​ ​and​​ applications,​​ marketplaces,​​ your​​stores,​​ and​​ even through​​ your​​ customer​​ service.​​ And​ ​with​​flexible​​ order​​ management​​ capabilities,​​ you will​​ be​​ able​ ​to​​ deliver​ ​from​ ​both​​ your​​ stores​​ and​ ​central​ ​warehouse,​ ​so​​ that​ ​you ​​can save​​ more​​ time​​ in​​ your​​ business​​ processes​​ by​​ simplifying​​ your​​ complex​​ logistics activities.